Saturday, 6 December 2008

Repair VS 2008 SP1 install

I got fuddled up with my Visual Studio 2008 SP1 update. It just did not happen correctlly. Some bits were missing, like the new Entity Data Model template. After waiting for soooo long, it arrives. Then it doesnt install. mmm. Pain.

I know people who just hate LINQ-to-SQL (as if it was my idea), but I do like it. It works. And it makes a well prepared way for a perhaps good successor, if it installs!!

So I found the fix. After you complete the install, run your VS Command prompt. and type
devenv /setup
then wait.


The open VS, create a new class library, select add new item and there it is. New toy or your future bread n butter. Thats for you to find out. :)

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